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The Unsung Heros of Author Events

Recently I was invited to speak at a local author’s group. Thinking the group size would be modest, I brought along ten or so of my books for signing and selling.

To my surprise, as we chatted and waited for the start time, over twenty people showed up. And kept coming! Until there were no seats left. I was stunned. Excited for an opportunity to share my ‘writer cred’ with this excited audience.

The more events I participate in, the more relaxed I become. This one was no exception. I love it when there’s a ‘moderator’ and all I have to do is lean back and answer questions. This talk was supposed to be a marketing overview for authors, but the questions ran amok, and we ended up talking about everything from queries to the top retail stores in the country that carry books. It was exhilarating!

What’s wonderful about scheduling author events is that folks are seriously interested in the life of an author. A day in the author’s life. How to become an author. Why we became an author. It’s like a shot of adrenaline to talk about these topics, as any author will tell you. It’s such a solitary pursuit, we are DYING to talk about what, who, why, where, how. This event was so much fun. People were raising hands all over the room to ask the next question after the bulk of the presentation was done. They even stayed afterward to chat and buy books.

I sold out, which was nice, but not as nice as the residual effect of a motivated group like these were. The bonus for an author in these events is the restoration of the bounce in our step. It’s like…okay. I can get back to my keyboard with renewed confidence and energy. These people liked me! They were there to hear…ME…ohmigosh. I was nearing the end of my zealous pursuit of ‘story’, about ready to throw in the towel on this blasted new plot that I can’t figure out…and then…these people! What a joy to be so validated. The breath is back in my lungs. My mojo is restored.

Potential writers, beginning writers, readers, and people interested in the craft of writing…authors need and love you. We are excited about every question, every book sale, every shy approach to chat. We would not be authors without your support.

Thank you, Island Writers Network, for an absolutely terrific evening. My mojo thanks you as well.


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