One of the most powerful words in the English language is ‘no’. Two simple letters that pack a huge punch.
Be it an overloaded calendar, an unruly or inappropriate co-worker, a toxic relationship or activity, an adult child or friend that has over-extended his need for money; if we are still above ground and breathing we have a choice.
No to those things that steal my time and joy. No to over-commitments that add nothing to my life or those precious ones around me. No to jobs that
suck out my heart and soul and mind. No to conversations that give me a panic attack. No to lies that attack my mind and soul. No to immoral, profane and horror-filled shows that fill my nights with dread. No to dead ends, no matter how peer-pressured I feel to pursue them.
There are way too many ‘yes moments’ to live consumed with guilt because we didn’t say no to something.
Yes to thoughtful and mind-provoking discourse. Yes to relationships that encourage and lift up. Yes to shows that have a wholesome message and
inspiring ending. Yes to a thought-life filled with positive and inspiring truths. Yes to people that need help and utilize it to make a positive change. Yes to church. Yes to a life filled with the wonder of the supernatural, living God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Yes to hope. Yes to life. Yes to joy. Yes, yes, yes!
Exercising the ‘no’ muscle is often painful, but the benefits can be endless and eternal.
Think about it.